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- Gastrointestinal & Minimal Access Surgery
Gastrointestinal & Minimal Access Surgery
Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgeons are specialists who are skilled in performing advanced and complex surgeries of the digestive system by Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) techniques like laparoscopy and robotic techniques.
What are the advantages of minimal access techniques like laparoscopic & endoscopic surgery?
- Less post–operative pain
- Shortened hospital stay
- Faster return to regular diet
- Quicker return to normal activity
- Less wound infections
What We Treat
(A) Gastrointestinal Surgeries:
Over the years the concepts and fundamentals of performing these surgeries and their indications have evolved based on extensive research happening in the field.
Newer modalities of performing these surgeries with better results in a more precise manner have evolved.
Modalities like the laparoscopic approach, robotic approach, and endoscopic approach have made it possible to perform the same surgeries with lesser morbidity of big cuts & scars over the abdomen and have improved outcomes of surgeries too.
(B) Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery:
Aadicura hospital has one of the most experienced teams for obesity management. We have a team of endocrinologists, a nutritionist, bariatric surgeon, bariatric endoscopist, bariatric anesthetist, for comprehensive obesity management.
The team has been a pioneer in bariatric surgery in the region and has wide experience in managing obesity in patients.
(C) Abdominal Hernia:
A hernia is a bulging in the abdominal wall.
These are of the following types:
- Inguinal Hernia
- Umbilical Hernia
- Incisional Hernia
We at Aadicura perform all these surgeries laparoscopically, as well as we perform the latest abdominal wall reconstruction procedures which are performed at very few centers in the country.
Patients having repeated issues related to indigestion and regurgitation (GERD) and patients developing abnormal collections in the abdomen are also managed laparoscopically here.
Who needs a Gastrosurgeon consultation?
Patients suffering from acute abdominal problems:
- Pain in abdomen
- Bloating
- Vomiting
- Abdominal bulging or swelling
- Heaviness of abdomen
- Diagnosed abdominal cancers
Patients having repeated occurrences of abdominal pain, jaundice, and other abdominal problems.
Patients diagnosed with diseases like cancers of liver, pancreas, bile-duct or intestines, or having any other disease of liver, pancreas, spleen, bile ducts, retroperitoneal tissue, or intestines.
How We Treat
- 1) Upper GI Surgeries :
Laparoscopic Anti-reflux procedures – solution to GERD, Dyspepsia, Hiatus Hernia
Laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy - Esophageal Motility Disorders (EMD)
Laparoscopic UGI Malignancy surgeries – VATS Esophagectomy, Radical Gastrectomy, Colon replacement surgery for Corrosive injury to esophagus & stomach
- 2)Colo-Rectal Surgeries :
Laparoscopic Total/Subtotal - Colectomies – IBD, Multicentric malignancies Restorative Pouch Surgeries – Lap. Total Proctocolectomy with an ileal pouch for IBD Laparoscopic Hemicolectomies – colonic malignancy
Laparoscopic Low & Ultra Low Anterior Rectal Resections – Rectal Malignancy Laparoscopic ELAPE / APR/ ISR – very low rectal and anal canal malignancy
Restorative Pouch Surgeries – Lap. Total Proctocolectomy with an ileal pouch for IBD Laparoscopic Hemicolectomies – colonic malignancy
Laparoscopic Low & Ultra Low Anterior Rectal Resections – Rectal Malignancy Laparoscopic ELAPE / APR/ ISR – very low rectal and anal canal malignancy
- 3)Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (HPB) Surgeries:
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy – Gallbladder diseases
Radical Cholecystectomy – GB malignancy
Segmental Liver Resections – Liver malignancy
Laparoscopic CBD Exploration – CBD stones/ Obstructive Jaundice
Pancreatic resections for benign/ malignant lesions – Whipple’s operation, Distal Pancreatectomy, Distal Pancreatico-Splenectomy
Lateral Pancreatico-Jejunostomy for Chronic pancreatitis
Laparoscopic Splenectomy for hypersplenism, splenic trauma
Shunt surgeries for Portal hypertension
- 4) Bariatric & Metabolic Surgeries:
Laparoscopic treatment for obesity and metabolic disorders
Surgical options are offered according to BMI and metabolic disease status Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Mini-Gastric Bypass (MGB/RYGB)
Laparoscopic Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion (BPD-DS)
Laparoscopic Ileal Transposition – metabolic procedure
- 5) Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR) Surgeries:
For Large Ventral Hernia Repair
Laparoscopic Component Separation Procedure – Anterior & Posterior
Laparoscopic Transversus Abdominis Release (TAR) – Laparoscopic IPOM/IPOM plus procedure
Our Specialists
Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Laparoscopy & Bariatric Surgeon
Why Us?
The Aadicura Gastro Surgical Team is one of the best departments of laparoscopy & gastrointestinal surgeries in the western parts of India with:
More than 30 years of collective experience
Well acclaimed laparoscopic GI Surgeons
More than 15000 treated patients
Patients taking treatment from our team will be best benefited by getting all high-end world-class best possible treatment at one place: Aadicura Hospital
State of the art laparoscopy systems: The department is equipped with the latest Olympus 3D camera systems and Karl Storz camera systems with IP facility & 4K technology. This is one of the few centers in Gujarat to be equipped with this latest technology.
We are also equipped with the latest surgery devices like Harmonic (J&J), Sonicision (Medtronic) Force Triad (Medtronic), Force FX10 (Medtronic)
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