Pulmonology is the medical speciality dealing with diseases involving the respiratory tract. Pulmonology is also called Chest Medicine and Respiratory Medicine. Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine and is related to Intensive/Critical Care Medicine. Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with illnesses that affect the lungs, breathing and sleep.

What We Treat

Pulmonologists are specially trained in diseases and conditions of the chest, particularly Bronchial Asthma, COPD, Pleural Effusion, Interstitial Lung Disease, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and other complicated chest infections like COVID (Corona Virus) And Swine Flu (H1N1) Pneumonia. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation.

How Are We Different From Others?

Pulmonologists of Aadicura Super-specialty Hospital have vast experience (more than 10 years) in the fields of Pulmonology, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

It’s a team of dynamic, experienced, and enthusiastic Pulmonologists. They can diagnose and treat difficult and complex cases with human touch and gentle care. Well-equipped advanced medical instruments and a fully equipped Operation Theatre make the Department of Pulmonary Medicine unique. This hospital has all facilities available for specialized treatment of any Respiratory Disease.


Who needs a Pulmonologist Consultation?

  1. Patients who have Persistent Cough, Difficulty in Breathing Hemoptysis (Blood on Cough/Sputum) Chest pain Excessive snoring during the night and Sleepiness during the day
  2. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Opacity/Lesion by Bronchoscopic Interventions like Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy and related procedures (Broncho-Alveolar Lavage, Endo Bronchial Biopsy, Tran Bronchial Needle Aspiration, Tran Bronchial Biopsy, Control of Hemoptysis, Brushing, Foreign Body/Mucus Plug Removal, etc)
  3. Management of Tubercular and Parapneumonic Effusion/Empyema (Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pleural Aspiration, Intercostal Drainage Tube Insertion, Pigtail Insertion, Medical Thoracoscopy)
  4. Management of Mediastinal Mass/Lymph Nodes – EBUS (Endo Bronchial Ultrasound)
  5. Management of Complicated Pneumonia (Including COVID 19 and H1N1 – Swine Flu Pneumonia)
  6. Treatment of Drug-Resistant TB (MDR and XDR TB)
  7. Diagnosis (Sleep Study – Polysomnography) and Treatment of Sleep Apnea (CPAP and BiPAP)
  8. Management of Respiratory Failure/ARDS (BiPAP and Ventilatory Management)
  9. Pulmonary Vascular Disease like Management of pulmonary Hypertension and Thrombolysis (Pulmonary Embolism)
  10. Difficult to treat Asthma, COPD and Bronchiectasis
  11. Management of Interstitial Lung Diseases including Full PFT (Spirometry, Total Lung capacity, Diffusion capacity, Six-minute Walk Test)
  12. Treatment of Lung cancer
  13. Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases or Patients who need Home oxygen therapy


Respiratory/Pulmonary Facilities and Services:
  1. Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)- Spirometry, 6 Minute Walk Test, Total Lung Capacity, Diffusion Capacity(DLCO)
  2. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy– Bronchoalveolar Lavage, Endo-Bronchial Biopsy, Trans Bronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA), Trans Bronchial biopsy (TBB) with C – Arm
  3. Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)
  4. Medical Thoracoscopy
  5. Polysomnography (Sleep Study)
  6. Ultrasound (USG) and CT guided Plural/Lung Biopsy
  7. Bronchoscopic Intubation (Difficult Intubation)
  8. Smoking Cessation
  9. Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Chest Physiotherapy


Other Facilities:
  1. Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit (IRCU)
  2. Major/Minor OT and Bronchoscopy Suite
  3. Central Oxygen Line

Our Specialists

Dr. Hiren Parikh

Interventional Pulmonologist

Dr. Hardik Shah

Interventional Pulmonologist

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