Superspeciality hospitals take specialisations to a whole new level. They have a higher success rate because of their precise handling and new-age technology.
By Admin | 18 September 2023What is a Superspeciality Hospital?
A Superspeciality Hospital serves to patients who come from a wide range of specialties. These Hospitals take specialisation to a whole new level. For example, our Cardiology Department treats all heart related conditions along with other common problems. The Superspeciality Hospitals are far more advanced and offer a wider range of Sub-Specialists and Specialists to serve to the needs of numerous patients in one go. These hospitals offer broader and Specialized treatments.

What is a Multispeciality Hospital?
Multispeciality Hospitals offer numerous treatments– be it General Surgery, ENT, Radiology, etc. These hospitals don’t require you to go for a different test or consult another doctor if you are diagnosed with a general health condition.
What are the different aspects of Superspeciality Hospitals and why you should choose one?
A Superspeciality Hospital offers a wide range of Specialized Treatments and Procedures. Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital itself offers different treatments such as Neurosurgery, Vascular and Endovascular surgery, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Laparoscopic and GI surgery, Critical Care, Ophthalmology, Cardiothoracic surgery, Gastroenterology and a lot more.
Superspeciality Hospitals have come as a saviour to people who need tertiary medical care or surgery but cannot bear the expense of going to different hospitals for different procedures. The major advantage is the availability of full-time superspecialists’ doctors all at one location. Hence Superspeciality hospitals are always the first and the best choice for patients and their families.
In addition to offering all the services under one roof, these are equipped with world-class facilities. Furthermore, these hospitals are the best-reputed in the medical field. Therefore, attracting more patients.
Why are Superspeciality Hospitals a blessing for the patients?
These Hospitals offer an all-around spectrum of healthcare thus providing the patients with the least amount of hassle and the most comprehensive care.
They are also known to provide services like healthcare management and research.
The hospital is equipped with modernized technology and serves high-end equipment for treatments.
Superspecialized hospitals or units within hospitals have access to treatment options that aren’t easily available at other hospitals like specialty medical devices and medications that require very precise handling, leading to higher success rates. Moreover, their departments work hand in hand with each other.
While multispeciality hospitals have their place in healthcare, super speciality hospitals are the new pioneers of excellence. The choice between a multispeciality and a superspeciality hospital eventually depends upon the nature of the illness, but for those seeking the best, super specialty hospitals are the torchbearers of hope and healing in this rapidly evolving world.

With the rise of Superspeciality Hospitals, we have more than 20 Specialists’ Departments backed by experienced professionals and latest infrastructure. It has 24×7 emergency services, a pharmacy, diagnostic services and a blood bank to ensure that the patients get the best of services under one roof. At Aadicura, patients will always be prioritised over everything else. They will always find ‘Specialists that care and stand’ by their side.