ICU- An Overview

It is worthy of note that most of the patients come out of the ICU alive.

By Admin | 13 October 2023

First, let’s break the myth that surrounds the ICU. It is said that the ICU is only for patients who are either dying or have no hope for recovery. This is absolutely not true. It is absolutely true that a few patients there have life-threatening conditions, but others receive specialised care. It is worthy of note that most of the patients come out of the ICU alive.

Now let us understand what an ICU actually is.

What is an Intensive Care Unit?

An ICU is a well equipped and expertised unit of a hospital wherein severe, life-threatening cases are treated with the highest degree of medical care and continuous monitoring.

Who gets admitted to the ICU?

  • Patients who might have a chance of organ failure or have organ failure
  • Patients who cannot breathe on their own and require a respiratory support machine
  • Someone who had a cardiac arrest
  • Patients who are unconscious or in a coma.
  • For patients who need frequent changes to their medical therapy.
  • Someone who has had repeated seizures
  • Someone who ingested toxic substance or poison 
  • Someone who got snake bites

How does an ICU care for a patient?

ICU care involves a lot of aspects:

  • The patient is monitored continuously for heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide levels, and respiratory rate.
  • Intravenous tubes are provided for medication, food, and fluids.
  • The number of patients per nurse are relatively less, which helps in monitoring closely.
  • Patients are also provided with pain-relieving medications.


a patient is checked for heartrate and fluids


Types of ICUs

  • Neonatal ICUs treat premature or very young babies.
  • Paediatric ICUs treat critically ill children and infants.
  • Surgical ICUs treat patients who have undergone major surgery and need to be taken care of.
  • Medical ICUs care for patients who have respiratory failure, kidney failure, or neurological disorders.
  • Cardiac ICUs care for patients who have a heart-related condition, such as a heart attack, heart failure, or are recovering from heart surgery.
  • Neurological ICUs are dedicated to patients who have traumatic brain injuries, brain tumours, or seizures.

Why restrict visitors?

  • Restrictions are implied on who can visit and for how much time in order to avoid contagions and the spread of infections.
  • Allowing the patients to recover.
  • Sometimes visiting a loved one in an ICU can be overwhelming and heartbreaking.

What should one expect as a patient?

The ICU is a high-functioning operational environment in a sterile area with a lot of equipment. So it is natural for anyone to be overwhelmed by its smell, sound, and machines. You will definitely have a doctor or a nurse by your side. The doctors will make the best decision possible in your interest.

Trust yourself with Aadicura, as it is equipped with 30+ critical beds and dedicated doctors for the same.

Multiple doctors treating many patients together.


Sources- verywellhealth, WebMD

PhotosFreepik, Image by DCStudio