
You can easily contact us by phone or visit us in person. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available to help answer your questions, provide assistance with appointments, and guide you through your healthcare journey. Whether you need to consult a specialist, book a routine check-up, or enquire about our services, we are here to ensure that you receive the care and attention you deserve.

Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital

A Unit of Banyan Hospital Pvt. Ltd.

Winward Business Park, Jetalpur Road, Vadodara 390020, Gujarat, India.

Use this form to get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Emergency 24X7

    (+91) 89805 58811

    Book an Appointment

    (+91) 89805 53311
    (+91) 89805 57711

    Visiting Hours: 12.00 pm to 2.00pm and 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Find out more about Appointments here.