Brain Tumour: Risk Factors, Complications & Symptoms

The prevalence of brain tumours in India is 5-10 per 100,000 people. According to the International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC), over 28,000 cases of brain tumours are recorded in…

By Admin | 09 November 2022

The prevalence of brain tumours in India is 5-10 per 100,000 people. According to the International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC), over 28,000 cases of brain tumours are recorded in India each year, with over 24,000 people dying from them. For the uninitiated brain tumour is an abnormal growth of mass of cells in your brain. Brain tumours can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). If Brain tumour grow large enough, they can press on surrounding nerves, blood vessels and tissues.

What are the symptoms of Brain tumours?

The signs and symptoms of a brain tumour vary greatly depending on the size, location, and rate of growth of the tumour. However, sometimes there are no symptoms of a brain tumour especially when they are small.

General signs and symptoms caused by brain tumours may include:

  1. Headaches – Which can worsen with activity or be severe during mornings
  2. Seizures – There are different types of seizures associated-
  • Myoclonic- Muscle twitches, jerks and spasms.
  • Tonic-clonic- Loss of consciousness, followed by twitching of muscles. Loss of bodily functions such as losing bladder control.
  • Sensory- Change in sense of vision, smell, hearing but without losing consciousness.
  • Complex partial- May cause loss of awareness or a partial or total loss of consciousness.
  1. Difficulty in speaking and understanding words
  2. Personality changes
  3. Weakness
  4. Paralysis
  5. Loss of balance or dizziness
  6. Vision issues

It is important to seek a professional opinion from the best neurologist/neurosurgeon in Vadodara if you start experiencing these symptoms.

What are the risk factors of a Brain Tumour?

  1. Age- Brain tumours are more common in children and older adults and can occur at  any age.
  2. Gender- Men are more likely to develop a brain tumour than women. However specific types of tumours like meningioma are more common in women.
  3. Home and occupational hazards- Exposures to chemicals like solvents, pesticides, oil products, rubber or vinyl chloride may increase the risk of developing brain tumour.
  4. Genetics- About 5 % of brain tumours can be due to the presence of family history.
  5. Head injury, rarely a history of head injury is recalled by the patient.
  6. Seizure- A history of seizures is also linked with the occurrence of brain tumours.
  7. Exposure to infections- Infections like Epstien-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) are linked to brain tumours.
  8. Ionizing radiation- History of treatment with ionizing radiations including X-rays have been shown to be a risk factor for a brain tumour.


According to the brain specialist in Vadodara at Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital, our brain is in charge of everything which includes vision, hearing, speech and movements. A tumour pressurises these things. It can lead to many complications-

  1. Fatigue-

A lot of people with brain tumour feel exhausted because our body uses a lot of energy to fight off the tumour. It can also make it harder to sleep soundly.

  1. Headaches-

As the tumour grows, it can press on sensitive nerves and blood vessels in the brain. Headaches can last for several hours. They can feel dull, aching, pounding, or throbbing. They’re often worse in the morning or can flare up during coughing and exercise.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting-

A tumour can cause nausea and vomiting when it presses on certain areas of your brain. Cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy also cause nausea and vomiting. Antiemetic medicines are used to relieve nausea.

  1. Speech and Language Problems-

Brain tumour can affect parts of the brain that help you speak and process language. It can also be harder to understand what other people say, or to follow a conversation.

  1. Vision Problems-

A tumour in this part of the brain called the occipital lobe could affect the vision. Blurred vision, double vision, and floating spots can all be signs of a brain tumour. Sometimes the sight might go gray when you stand up or change position quickly. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor for a vision test. Surgery and other treatments that shrink the tumour can improve vision problems.

  1. Hearing Problems-

A tumour can put pressure on the nerves in your inner ear. Depending on where the tumour is, one might first lose the ability to hear high-pitched or low-pitched sounds. Ringing in the ears is also common. The hearing loss can come on slowly, and it might only be in one ear.

  1. Balance issues-

The cerebellum, an area in the lower part of your brain, controls your coordination and balance. This region helps keep you steady on your feet. A tumour in the cerebellum throws off the balance and causes one to stumble or drop things.

  1. Personality and Mood Changes-

Many people with Brain tumour suffer from personality or mood changes. Patients may feel angry, withdrawn, anxious, or irritable than usual. Some of these changes may be part of your response to the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes it starts when the tumour grows into areas of your brain that control mood and emotion.

  1. Memory loss-

Tumours can harm short-term and long-term memory, depending on their location. Chemotherapy and other treatments affect concentration and may cause mental fog.

  1. Seizures-

About 60% of people with brain cancer get seizures, which are sudden bursts of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Tumours may trigger them by changing brain cells or chemicals in a way that makes nerve cells fire too often. During a seizure, some people shake. Others stare off into space. Anti-seizure medicines can help.

  1. Numbness and Weakness-

A brain area called the parietal lobe helps to process the sensation of touch. A tumour in this part of the brain can cause numbness, or a tingling sensation that feels like pins and needles. Often the numbness affects one side of the body, such as one arm or leg.

To know more about it, contact the best tumour specialist in Vadodara.

How serious is a Brain Tumour?

A brain tumour is very serious and dangerous owing to the risks and complications mentioned above. They also risk pressing some very crucial nerves and vessels.

Can you survive a brain tumour?

The survival rate of a brain tumour depends upon the type and duration of the onset of the tumour. If benign, the brain tumours are easy to treat. However, if caught early, malignant tumours can be treated early owing the expertise and knowledge of the best brain specialist in Vadodara.

What causes brain tumours?

Primary brain tumours begin when normal cells develop changes (mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do. The mutations tell the cells to grow and divide rapidly and to continue living when healthy cells would die.

To diagnose and treat brain tumours, we at Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital, have a dedicated team of best neurosurgeon in Vadodara Our department for Neurosurgery is outfitted with cutting-edge technology that enables doctors to get at right diagnosis and achieve maximum safe resection of all tumours.